Mr. Mitzel's 4th Grade Classroom

 Be What will we be learning this year?

This is an exciting year of academics in all areas, including math, science, social studies, and language arts.

Below are the academic standards for the state of Pennsylvania:


Langauge Arts-

Classroom Expectations and Rules:

In Mr. Mitzel's classroom their will be several rules and expectations to use daily, whether that is for your safety, honesty, and respect. Each of these play an important role and will be used to better further your education. In the morning students will arrive and do morning work and set the day off on the right note. In the classroom I set high expectations, because I know my students will follow them and have a successful day to possibly earn rewards. I-Pads will be apart of daily classroom routines, please make sure we are treating these electronics with respect.

-Respecting one another

-Respecting the property of schools and others

-Choosing kind words when talking

-Follow directions

-No cheating

-No bullying and lying


Consequences can mean several different ideas. The end result, portrays that the expectations and standards for the classroom were not followed by one student or several students. The handbook that students recieve in the beginning of the year speficially go over what is required, this also talks about the consequences. Depending on the situation this can include lunch in the classroom or office and no recess. More serious sitautions could lead to in school suspension.


Throughout the year students will be rearded for good behavior, academic excellence, and listening to expectations, whether that is an entire school reward or a classroom reward. One of the biggest rewards that can and will be given on a daily basis is praise. Students will contiunally hear the positive attitude I portray and show, because I want them to be the same way and show a positive and happy attitude that is ready to learn. The marble reward will be implemented for an entire class reward and once a jar is full of marbles this can either be an extra recess or extra time to do homework at the end of the school day.

Grading Scale:

A - 100-90

B - 89-80

C - 79-70

D - 69-60

F - 60-0

Depending on assignment their will be rubrics to follow, which will break the assignment down detail by detail as well as points that will show what is required to get them and earn full credit.